is MyCashBar free ?

Yes MyCashBar is 100% free. With MyCashBar, you will earn money. How to join MyCashBar ?

To join us, you just need to download and launch our software. An email and a password will be requested when you first launch MyCashBar. Can I refer friends ?

Yes you can refer as many friends as you like. In the "referral" section of your member's area, you will find your referral link and graphics to help you to refer. How much can i earn with the referral system ?

The sponsorship make you earn 20% of the points of your referrals on 5 levels.
To help you understand the benefits of our referral system, we have set up a page that details its work. What's the payment threshold ?

You can request your payment from $ 5 through PayPal or Bitcoin and by check from 20$ (in France). How can i received my earnings ?

You can be paid by Paypal or Bitcoin from $5. The payment fees will be borne by the member. Check from 20 € only in France (€1 fees). How to earn money ?

Simply launch MyCashBar on your computer. Your points are converted into cash in the beginning of each month. How many points can i earn with MyCashBar ?

You earn 60 points per hour with the cashbar and from 10 to 1000 points with the BONUS clicks. What is the point rate ?

The point rate can't be known before the end of the month as the rate varies according to income earned by mycashbar with these members.

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